Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Our Little Evangelist

Jay has been hanging out with Pastor Tony in Porak Sais. This is a very poor area with people living in shacks and sleeping on the floor. Pastor Tony has been pouring his heart into these people. Yesterday, Jay was invited to come help with a children’s outreach. Jayson wanted to come also. Jayson had brought some toys from the States and wanted to pass them out to the kids. During the outreach, they played games and for prizes, the toys Jayson brought were used. Jayson got to hand them out which made him happy. The time had come for everyone to leave when Pastor Tony asked Jayson if he would like to share Jesus with the kids. He said, “Yes” and proceeded to share how much Jesus loves them. He also told them that God loves it when we worship him and that we can worship God at home or at church or anywhere. God gets a big smile on His face when we worship Him, Jayson told the kids. He said a lot more, but you get the idea. Pastor Tony translated for him. Check out the pictures. It was pretty awesome. Of course, his parents are very proud.