Monday, March 19, 2007

Pastor Jay had a great experience visiting a newly planted church near the town of Ternede (tear na day). Ternede is a coastal town located on Manila Bay. He arrived on opening weekend of oyster season, so plenty of oysters were prepared for the guests that day. After eating as many oysters that they could, Pastor Jay and Pastor Moody met with the young adults under the mango tree. Pastor Jay taught them about their potential with God while Pastor Moody translated. The group then traveled from house to house through the rice paddys inviting people to come to church. Most of the people are considered “squaters”, meaning they are basically homeless people living on someone else’s property. They farm as a way to feed their families. The biggest dream that their children have is to be able to go to school. After visiting the families, they worked their way back through the rice fields to the mango tree. Once everyone showed up, the church service began. Pastor Jay taught the people about who they are in Christ Jesus and how to speak to their situation so change can happen in their lives. He shared the Gospel with them and spent time praying for them. They prayed for many situations where the people are being told to leave the land they’re living on. Pastor Moody is believing for a piece of land to build a church on and to house the people. The day was an amazing experience for Pastor Jay. Having God use him in speaking to the people was humbling. It just cemented in his heart that we are where we are supposed to be.