Wednesday, February 28, 2007

In the house

We spent our first night in our new house.The furniture is not here but we do have air mattresses. We’ve had a hard time getting our crate of furniture released from the custom’s here. We know it will all work out though. We now have water, electricity and as of today internet. Yeah! We can now add pictures to the website. We’ve been busy preparing the house to move in. It is quite nice now. It was also nice to cook something for dinner. We had a chicken stir fry with noodles (not rice). We’ve eaten so much McDonald’s (they call it McDos here) and Jollibee’s (a McDonald’s wanna be) that we were happy to eat at home, even if it meant sitting on the stairs.

Yesterday we attended a leadership training seminar put on by the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International. The guest speaker was Dr. Myles Munroe. It was a very powerful meeting. There were approximately 5,000 people in attendance. Dr. Munroe had a great word for the filipino people there. God is moving in the Philippines!

Recently we traveled to the province of Tarlac. There, Jay preached at Pastor Zaldy’s church. He also interviewed pastors in the area to find out what the vision and needs are for their churches. It seems the biggest need is motorcycles for the pastors. We’d like to figure out a way to finance them with no interest loans through donations. While there, Jayson rode on a caribou (water buffalo). He was grinning from ear to ear. Anna-Lisa sat on it also. When the caribou started moving, she almost fell off, giving the locals a good laugh. It was definately an experience we won’t soon forget.

Last Saturday, Jay was the guest speaker at a Sweetheart Dinner. The couples were all dressed very nice. The church was fixed up nice too. It was very well done. Jay had a relevant message for them. At the end, he had them pray together like we were taught at a recent marriage seminar that we attended. It was a very powerful time.

Something that we learned from Dr. Munroe that just blew us away. In summary…God spoke to the earth when He created plants. God spoke to the waters when He created fish. God spoke to Himself when he created man. Plants can’t live without the earth. Fish can’t live without the water. Man can’t live without God. People all around us are dying because they are not connected to the Source of life.

As in any country that comes out of a dictatorship there is a heavy spirit of religion and oppression here. Join us as we pray against those principalities. We are also praying for the people to realize who they are in Christ Jesus so that they can rise up and make a difference in the morality of this country.